
16th Mechatronics Forum International Conference

University of Strathclyde
19th – 21st September 2018



The 16th Mechatronics Forum International Conference will be held in Glasgow, UK on 19th – 21st September 2018. The conference is sponsored by the IET Robotics & Mechatronics TPN and the IMechE, and is organized by the University of Strathclyde.

Mechatronics is a vital element of modern engineering systems and requires multidisciplinary expertise across a range of disciplines, such as: mechanical engineering, electronics, information technology, and control systems science. Recent rapid developments in areas such as the Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, robotics and autonomous systems, augmented reality, smart cities and driverless cars to name but a few, have created uncertainties as to mechatronics’ future development and role. The goal of the conference is to debate, discuss and hence to reinvent mechatronics by bringing together international experts to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of mechatronics, to position mechatronics within the context of current technical and other developments, to present recent research results and to share ideas for the future of this multidisciplinary field.

Building on its long established history of conferences dating back to 1989, the conference will provide an international forum for professionals, academics, and researchers to look back at the role of mechatronics and its technological development since its inception, to consider the latest developments from a wide range of interdisciplinary theoretical studies, to review applications of mechatronic systems, including in particular current developments such as space robotics and Cyber Physical systems along with other emerging fields.

In particular, we welcome the presentation and discussion of emerging research topics derived from mechatronics and its applications, its design methodologies and techniques which bridge theoretical studies and applications across mechatronic systems, as well as developing the links between existing mechatronics concepts and future mechatronic, and other, systems. Novel quantitative engineering and science studies may also be considered. Download our flyer covering important information.

Papers are therefore invited on all aspects of mechatronic research and application.


Download Mechatronics2018_Programme  HERE.


The conference organising committee has received several proposals and will organise the following Special Session:                        

                                                             "Symbiotic Mechatronics"


Digitalization changes the world calling also for major adjustments of industrial branches. Networking is an essential feature of this change. Prominent initiatives such as the “Internet of Things” or “Factories of the Future” are evident results thereof and stimulate innovations and product improvement.

Most of these concepts include mechatronic systems as indispensable parts. They request strong mutual interaction between these systems and with adjacent (digital, human, etc.) environments. Following nature’s example, we propose to bring mechatronic systems into mutual, beneficial interrelations with their interacting partners, which can be such diverse things as a press brake, a digital twin or a human user. This partnership resembles an “organism” for which symbiosis may serve as a principle that will open new potential benefits for complex technical systems.

In line with the overall theme of the MECHATRONICS 2018 conference “Reinventing Mechatronics” (, the aim of this Special session is to introduce the new paradigm of “Symbiotic Mechatronics”.

Contributions will illustrate the multi-facetted, multi-layered interactions between state-of-the-art mechatronics and core mechatronic systems and their symbiotic partners.

The details can be found HERE.